Steubenville Youth Conference

June 26-29, 2025 The Orlando, FL Steubenville Youth Conference 2025


“For the LORD your God is a consuming fire…”

To get the Early Bird Registration rate of $235.00 you must let the youth minister, Nancy Valdes, know of your desire to register prior to March 17th. After March 17th, the registration rate will be $250.00.

The Steubenville Youth Conference is at Rosen Centre Hotel, 9840 International Dr., Orlando, FL. 32819. Housing is not included in the registration fee. Accommodations will be made at Vista Cay which is 1.2 miles (7min) from the Rosen Centre Hotel. The 3 nights’ accommodation rate will be $195.00 ($65 / night). Other considerations-some spending money ($20), bug spray, sunscreen, water bottle, rosary, bible, journal, a pen, and lots of sleep because we won’t be doing much of that here!

Who can attend?

The conference is for high-school aged youth. Youth participants must be age 18 or younger and incoming freshmen through just graduated seniors.

What is it all about?

As people in ministry, we know the ultimate goal of a Steubenville Conference is a life-changing encounter with Christ, however the weight of an encounter like that is really only appreciated after having one. For that reason, when inviting a teen to Steubenville Conference, we suggest beginning with belonging. Every teen desires to belong – sin and shame convince them they don’t. They are not alone. Others have the same struggles they do. The world says they must change to belong – God meets them where they are. They have an important place in the church. This event won’t be the same without them.

Why should I come?

It is an awesome opportunity to come to know God in a more personal way and be able to spread the joy of being a Catholic with others.

How much does it cost?

$235 per person (adults and students) EARLY BIRD ONLY AVAILABLE UNTIL MARCH 17TH

$250 per person (adults and students) REGULAR REGISTRATION FEE

This DOES NOT include lodging, some meals, or transportation!

Additional cost to cover lodging, meals which are not covered during conference, and transportation is $305.00 per person.

Total Cost Per Person at the EARLY BIRD rate: $540.00 (a $50 non-refundable deposit must be made prior to March 17th)

Total Cost Per Person at the REGULAR rate $555.00 (a $50 non-refundable deposit must be made prior to April 4th)

*You may make payments but payment in full must be made by May 20th and is non-refundable.

What do I need to Bring?

Toiletries, sleeping bag, pillow, wash cloth, comfortable and modest clothes, swim suit, spending cash.

Who is going?

High school students from across the state of Florida and more! (Approximately 2000 teens and chaperones attended the Steubenville Orlando Youth Conference in July 2024).

Contact your parish youth minister to attend with your group.

Nancy Valdes

call (904) 284-3811 or email: