Our K-12 Religious Education Program
Sacred Heart parish offers a religious Kindergarten through 12th grade education program. Religious education programs are held from August through May. Preparations for the Sacraments include separate classes, retreats, and parent meetings.
If you are a family moving to the area after the start date and transferring your child/children from another Religious Ed. Program, please call the Education Office at (904) 284-9983.
Adults are invited to serve as religious education catechists and catechist’s assistants. All catechists will be provided required certification training through the diocese. Background checks and Protecting God’s Children class are required for volunteering with the children. For more information, please call the Education Office at (904) 284-9983.
2024-2025 Registration
Our new Registration Forms include a QR Code to allow you to pay online! Please be sure to select “One-time Gift” and scroll down to “Religious Ed Tuition” when making your payment. If you note on the top of your Registration Form that you have paid online, you just put it in the Collection Basket at Weekend Mass and you’re all set!