Pastoral Ministries

Evening Adult Bible Study

Evening Adult Bible Study is a scripture-based Bible study. We meet twice a month from September through March from 6:30 to 8:00pm at the church. Most programs are 7-12 sessions long. You will complete assigned readings and questions at home and then meet at the church for small group discussions, and video explanations. Pre-Registration is required to receive the study material. 

Contact Janet Wilson at

Children's Christmas Pageant

Prior to Christmas, children, youth and adults help portray the Christmas Story.

For more information, please call Kristin Michler-Belleza at (904) 284-9983 x 215.

Children's Liturgy of the Word

This ministry involves teaching the Gospel to children from ages 4 to 8 during the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sundays.  Ministers follow a specific curriculum and are able to fully participate in the Liturgy.  Children’s Liturgy of the Word helps make Liturgy a positive and meaningful experience for the whole community.  Volunteers must be finger printed and have a background check done to participate.

For more information, please contact Kelly Glavin (630) 204-6521 or

Communion to the Homebound

When someone is seriously ill, either at home or in the hospital, Communion is brought to them so they can share in this sacrament.  If you would like to help in this important ministry, please volunteer!  Christ has no hands but yours.

Contact the parish office at (904) 284-3811.

Divine Mercy Cenacle

The Divine Mercy group studies The Diary of St. Faustina and God’s mercy and love for us through the conversations St. Faustina had with Jesus. We meet the first and third Tuesday of the month from 8:45-9:45 am in Building A.

For further information call Geri Leatherbury at (757) 508-1134 or Tammy Catt at (615) 542-3414.


Grief Share is a Christ-centered program of grief support for persons who have experienced the loss of someone dear.

For more information, please contact Rachel Nieves at

Ministry of Consolation and Funerals

The Ministry of Consolation offers to bring the healing comfort of God into the lives of a family mourning a loss through death.  Ministers express sympathy and compassion when a member of our parish community has experienced the loss of a loved one.  Additional support is provided by serving as liturgical ministers during the funeral Mass, by preparing food for or by serving at the funeral reception, and by sending a card or making a phone call to remember the grieving family.
Contact the parish office at (904) 284-3811.

Our Lady's Cenacle Rosary

All our welcome to pray the rosary in the church after morning mass every Thursday.
For more information, contact Tammy Catt at (615) 542-3414.

Parish Council

The Parish Council serves to advise and assist the Pastor in the establishment of policies and activities that promote the spiritual growth and development of the members of the Parish.   Council membership consists of elected parishioners who serve for two years. There are also representatives of various organizations in the Parish that are part of the Council.  The Council welcomes ideas and suggestions and meetings are open to all.  The meetings are on the first Monday of every other month and run September through June.
Contact the parish office at (904) 284-3811.

Prayer Blankets

Members of this ministry pray for the intentions of the sick as they make small blankets and then sew on a Medal of the Immaculate Conception (Miraculous Medal) which is covered with a red fabric heart onto the corner of the blanket. After being prayed over by parishioners during parish gatherings and blessed at Mass, the blankets are given to the sick to comfort them as they use them with knowledge that the prayers of the Parish cover them and they are not alone in their time of physical sufferings and mental anxieties.
If you are interested in making blankets, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Kathy Yoakley at

Prayer Ministry

The parish offers an opportunity to gather for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament on Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the Church.  We devote our prayers to ask God for His healing and thank God for all His blessings.  All are welcome to join us every Monday evening for an hour.

St. Elizabeth Apostolate

The St. Elizabeth Apostolate provides spiritual and prayer support to all couples attempting to achieve pregnancy, adopt, or who are struggling with the loss of a pregnancy. We aim to provide meals to families as they bring home their new children.  Our ministry participates in monthly emails including a prayer list, and a short monthly prayer. Members may provide meals if they choose to, but they are not required to. Our mission is to embrace families as they blossom and nurture the future of the church.

For more information, please contact Stephanie Hundredmark (904) 307-2326 or Katrina Cramer  (904) 874-8855.


Seven Sisters Apostolate


The Seven Sisters Apostolate ensures that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the intention of Father Mike, Father Sebastian, and Father Donal.

For more information, please contact Pattie Halle at (904) 703-1635.

Through Youth Ministry, we seek to help young people of our parish grow in a faith-filled relationship with God and in a consistent devotion to serving others of our community.

We are currently seeking Adult members of Sacred Heart Parish to become Youth Ministry Volunteers!  Through group activities, volunteers share their faith in:  prayer, leadership, community and service.

Opportunities for involvement include one or more of the following:

  • Participation in the Wednesday evening youth program
  • Becoming a "S.W.A.T". Team Leader - (S.W.A.T. = Service, Worship, Accountability and Teamwork)
  • Retreat Speaker
  • Hospitality Leader (serving and/or bringing food for teens)
  • Trip Chaperones

Become involved in this energetic and Spirit led ministry!

Please contact the Youth Director at (904) 284-3811 x 205.

Saturday Vigil: English 5:30pm
Spanish 7:30pm in Green Cove Springs
Sunday: 8:00am, 10:30am
Weekdays: Monday through Friday 8:00am
Holy Days of Obligation
8:00am and 7:00pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
English 4:30 to 5:15pm/Spanish 6:30 to 7:25 pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:
First Friday of the month after the 8:00am mass in Fleming Island and at 7:30pm in Green Cove Springs
Third Friday of the month at 5:30 p.m.  in Fleming Island

(Parish Office for Both Locations)
-Use this Address for Postal Mail-

 7190 Highway 17 South
Fleming Island, FL 32003

PH: (904) 284-3811

Monday thru Friday
8:30am to 3:30pm

(No Postal Mail Received At This Address)
207 Palmetto Avenue

Green Cove Springs, FL 32043